How to take apart your Xbox 360 Controller

How to take apart your Xbox 360 Controller

What you will need to start.
  1. Phillips Screwdriver or T8 Security Screwdriver.
  2. Flat Head Screwdriver
  3. Q-Tips
  4. Rubbing Alcohol

A Philips for a wired controller or a T8 (torx 8) screwdriver. If you have the wireless it has to be the security T8, it has a hole in the middle. This was the hardest part for me as the T8 is an oddball and most retailers don't carry it in stock. I ended up buying mine off E-Bay for 7 bucks USD.
Also you should have some Q-Tips and Rubbing Alcohol, if your as OCD as me at least, alternatively fingernails work just as well for most gunk.

First we will need to remove the battery pack or unplug it from the 360 if using a wireless or wired controller respectively.

Now the real fun begins we can start deconstructing the little bugger and get down to business.

You will need the T8 for the wireless or a normal Phillips for the wired. I would recommend doing this all by hand and not using any kind of drill.

You will have 7 screws you need to remove; 3 on each side and
one hidden under the bar code below the battery pack. The first 6 are located under the hand grip of the controller and should be very simple to locate.

Make sure to place the screws in some place they wont be lost! A bottle cap, plastic bag, or a DVD case works great for me. After all screws are removed you will need to separate the two sides. If there is any resistance double check that you have 7 screws removed! After that has been ensured you can use a flat head screw driver or your finger nails will work fine here too. Be careful when separating the controller cause the buttons will go everywhere. I recommend a table or the floor so pieces don't go every where.

Now we are into the meat and potatoes of the controller, you should see a big green board with rubber seating for the buttons on it, you can remove this. Pull up the greay knobs from their seating, be gentle here and hold the base. After everything is removed from the green circuit board you may remove this as well.

After the controller is deconstructed (don't deconstruct the D-Pad unless your sure there is an issue there) get your Q-Tip's and start cleaning the gunk. I would focus on the black circles on the circuit board, the rubber seating we pulled of earlier that lays over the black circles and the joy stick knobs as well as seats.

For the controller's plating (the outside) I would get a wet cloth and wipe it down, pay attention to the joy stick, button and the guide area holes, as these can cause sticking and rough movement.


Depending on your gaming habits you might want to repeat this as often as every month.

In my next guide I will discuss how to repair some common issues found with the controllers.


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